The Department of Industrial Heat and Heat Supply continues international work on the Erasmus+ KA220 -HED educational project “Transformation training network to ensure stability – promoting Ukrainian higher education in ensuring stable and reliable reconstruction (post -war) Ukraine.
04.04.2024 in order to implement the experience of similar domestic and foreign educational programs, a working meeting of the Associate Professor of the Department of Industrial Heat and Heat Supply, Candidate of Science. Techn. Sciences, Burkо V.A. with a partner by Assoc. Prof. Raimondas Grubliauskas. Doctor of Sciences of Environmental Engineering, Assoc. Professor in Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Department of Environmental Protection and Water Engineering, Head of the Department of Environmental Protection and Water Engineering dr. Vaida Šerevičienė docent of Department of Environmental Protection and Water Engineering.
The meeting discussed questions about the formulation of goals and programmatic results of training under OP 183 educational programs (bachelor’s level) and OP144 (bachelor’s and master’s level), opportunities for implementation.