The summer of 2024 marked a significant chapter for the team from the National Transport University. From July 22 to August 4, they embarked on an inspiring journey across Western Ukraine, exploring some of the region’s most valuable natural areas. This expedition was part of the international project “Transformational Learning Network for Resilience” (TransLearnN), aimed at supporting the sustainable reconstruction of Ukraine.
The lush forests of the Carpathians, the crystal-clear waters of the Shatsky Lakes, and the mysterious woods of Roztochya… These were the focal points of our researchers’ attention. They visited six unique protected areas, each representing a distinct ecosystem with its own laws and inhabitants.
First Stop: Shatsky National Nature Park. Amidst the picturesque lakes, the team engaged with local scientists to discuss strategies for preserving this gem of Volyn during challenging times.

The journey continued to the enigmatic Roztochya Reserve, where nature seems frozen in time, guarding its ancient secrets.

Exploring the Carpathian Region. The Carpathian region greeted the researchers with three national parks: “Uzhansky,”


and “Synyogora.”

Each park, with its unique character and challenges, offered invaluable insights. In Uzhansky, the team marveled at the ancient beech forests, while in the Carpathian National Park, they studied the impact of tourism on mountain ecosystems. At “Synyogora,” the focus was on the conservation of rare plant and animal species.
Climax of the Journey: Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. The journey’s culmination was the visit to the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. Surrounded by majestic mountains, the team not only interacted with scientists but also met with representatives of local communities: Rakhiv, Yasinya, Velykyi Bychkiv, and Uhlya. Each village shared its unique history of coexistence with the reserve.
During these meetings, the researchers delved into pressing issues: How do reserves operate during wartime? What are the hidden impacts of conflict on nature? How can a balance be struck between conservation and the needs of local residents?
Beyond Challenges: Dreams and Aspirations. However, the discussions were not solely about challenges. The team listened with enthusiasm as each park and reserve shared its dreams and plans. Some aspired to develop new ecological trails, while others envisioned international research projects. A common theme resonated throughout— the desire to preserve Ukraine’s unique nature for future generations.
This journey was more than just a scientific exploration; it became a true mission—to unite the efforts of scientists, local communities, and international partners toward a common goal. After all, nature knows no borders, and only together can we protect these invaluable treasures.
The TransLearnN project is not the end but merely the beginning—a beginning of new understanding, new partnerships, and new opportunities. Perhaps this journey through Western Ukraine will be the first step toward global change in the field of nature conservation.
For those interested in learning more about these unique places and communities, we encourage you to visit their official pages. Each one offers a window into the natural wonders and cultural heritage of Western Ukraine.

Шацький національний природний парк

Заповідник Розточчя

Національний природний парк Синьогора

Національний природний парк Ужанський

Карпатський Національний природний парк

Карпатський біосферний заповідник
Рахівська районна рада, Рахівська районна державна адміністрації

Ясінянська селищна рада

Великобичківська селищна рада

Углянська ОТГ