On April 25, 2024, the State University “Zhytomyr Polytechnic” hosted the large-scale ecological forum “Forests of Ukraine: Challenges, Science, and Safety.” The event gathered leading forestry experts, ecologists, scientists, and government representatives to discuss the current issues of conservation and restoration of forest ecosystems in the face of unprecedented challenges.
A special highlight of the forum was the presentation of the new specialty 205 “Forestry” at Zhytomyr Polytechnic. The rector of the university, Viktor Yevdokymov, formally announced the introduction of this important educational program, which will train highly qualified specialists for Ukraine’s forestry sector. Viktor Valeriyovych emphasized that the launch of this specialty is our response to the challenges of today. We strive to prepare not just specialists, but conscious and responsible professionals who will effectively work towards preserving and restoring the forest riches of our country.
Participants of the forum discussed a wide range of issues—from the impact of military actions on forests to innovative methods of forest restoration and the humanitarian demining of forest territories. Speakers stressed the importance of uniting the efforts of the state, science, and the public to overcome the ecological consequences of the war and ensure the sustainable development of Ukraine’s forestry.
During the Ecological Forum “Forests of Ukraine: Challenges, Science, and Safety,” representatives from the National Transport University participated. Viktoriia Khrutba, a professor and head of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Technologies at the National Transport University, presented an innovative project for international cooperation under Erasmus+ KA220-HED “Transformational Learning Network for Resilient and Sustainable Reconstruction of (Post-war) Ukraine.”
The project presentation sparked keen interest among forum participants and prompted a discussion about the role of international cooperation in the revival of Ukraine’s forests. It is expected that the project’s outcomes will find practical application and contribute to the sustainable development of the forestry sector.